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  • Goya, an account of his life and works

Goya, an account of his life and works

by Albert Frederick Calvert

Goya, an account of his life and works PDF edition and other Albert Frederick Calvert books available for free download from our library.


It has been said that in England everybody knows of Cervantes, but very few persons have more than a nodding acquaintance with Don Quixote, and Goya’s reputation in this country is even less securely founded. The great Aragonese is indeed little more than a name to the general public, and his work is literally unknown.

Two little books—Mr. W. Rothenstein’s Goya, now out of print, and a monograph by Mr. Richard Muther in the Langham Series—are the only volumes in English dealing exclusively with a painter who for more than half a century might have been described, with more aptness than that with which the words were applied to Zurbarán, as ‘All Spain.’ As sincere a lover and as brilliant a transcriber of the beautiful as Watteau and Van Loo, a greater realist than Hogarth, and in portraiture second only to Velazquez, Goya stands out as the greatest artist Spain has produced since the death of the great Court painter of Philip IV.

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