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Written by Florence Warden

The Dazzling Miss Davison

The Dazzling Miss Davison

by Florence Warden

A roomy, comfortable, old-fashioned house in Bayswater, with high windows, big rooms, and little balconies just big enough to hold a wealth of flowers in summer and a very pretty show of evergreens when the season for flowers was past.On October a row of asters, backed up by a taller row of foliage plants, made the house look bright and pretty, and..

A Perfect Fool -  A Novel

A Perfect Fool - A Novel

by Florence Warden

Chris she had always treated as a baby, a very sweet and charming child, but a creature to be tenderly cared for and played with, not to be trusted or confided in. Mrs. Abercarne had old-fashioned notions about the bringing-up of girls, and she would have been reduced to her last crust before consenting to allow her daughter to leave her, except as..