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  • Floral Illustrations of the Seasons

Floral Illustrations of the Seasons

by Margaret Roscoe

Floral Illustrations of the Seasons PDF edition and other Margaret Roscoe books available for free download from our library.


The present state of botanical knowledge renders it impossible for the Author of this Work to indulge in a hope, that she can add anything to the learning and research which distinguish the science: as a humble follower of those who have added so much to our information on these subjects, she would walk in their delightful paths, and gather some of those objects of beauty which lie scattered around her. To endeavour to place them in an attractive form—to attach to them useful and accurate information—has been her pleasing task; and she will be amply rewarded if she should be the means of affording any encouragement, particularly among her own sex, to a taste for botanical pursuits.

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