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  • Extract from Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven

Extract from Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven

by Mark Twain

Extract from Captain Stormfield's Visit to Heaven PDF edition and other Mark Twain books available for free download from our library.


Well, when I had been dead about thirty years I begun to get a little anxious. Mind you, had been whizzing through space all that time, like a comet. Like a comet! Why, Peters, I laid over the lot of them! Of course there warn?t any of them going my way, as a steady thing, you know, because they travel in a long circle like the loop of a lasso, whereas I was pointed as straight as a dart for the Hereafter; but I happened on one every now and then that was going my way for an hour or so, and then we had a bit of a brush together. But it was generally pretty one-sided, because I sailed by them the same as if they were standing still. An ordinary comet don?t make more than about 200,000 miles a minute.

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