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  • Euthyphro


by Plato

Euthyphro PDF edition and other Plato books available for free download from our library.


Euthyphro is one among the most famous Plato’s dialogues which takes place outside the court of Athens.

Socrates is charged on impiety by Meletus and Euthyphro has come to prosecute his own father. Both meet outside the Athens court and the dialogue begins there. The core of the dialogue is Socrates trying to learn from Euthyphro on what is holiness, which will help him to defend himself in the court. Socrates quickly flatters Euthyphro, by praising him for prosecuting his own father.

The dialogue is narrated with much like question answers, in which Socrates asks explanation from Euthyphro with a bunch of questions on holiness and points out to him that gods often quarrel, so what is agreeable to one might not be agreeable to all.

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