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  • Early Carriages and Roads

Early Carriages and Roads

by Sir Walter Gilbey

Early Carriages and Roads PDF edition and other Sir Walter Gilbey books available for free download from our library.


The use of carriages, coaches and wheeled conveyances have had an intimate relationship with the social life of English people from an early period in history. Many instructive books have appeared on the subject of carriages generally, but these have been for the most part written by experts in the art of coach and carriage building. In this publication, attention has been given to the early history of wheeled conveyances in England and their development up to recent times.

Wheeled vehicles for the conveyance of passengers were first introduced into England in the year 1555. The ancient British war chariot was neither more nor less than a fighting engine, which was probably never used for peaceful travelling from place to place. Carts for the conveyance of agricultural produce were in use long before any wheeled vehicle was adapted for passengers. 

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