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  • Constantino Brumidi, Michelangelo of the United States Capitol

Constantino Brumidi, Michelangelo of the United States Capitol

by Myrtle Cheney Murdock

Constantino Brumidi, Michelangelo of the United States Capitol PDF edition and other Myrtle Cheney Murdock books available for free download from our library.


ENSHRINED in the domed Rotunda of the United States Capitol, as in the Roman Pantheon from which it is descended, are the noblest hopes of a mighty Nation. Yet less fearful of incurring the wrath of an unpropitiated power than the ancients who raised a statue in their sacred temple to “The Unknown God,” the American people have neglected and all but forgotten patriotic mural painting.

Long overdue also is grateful tribute to its one-time protagonist, Constantino Brumidi. The story of Brumidi’s life in this country and his labors to express allegorically its principles of government and record visually the events and personalities which achieved its establishment should be instructive reading for many and particularly for those concerned with the direction of American painting. By it they may be led to the realization of a vital force that should be an important factor in national life, an unknown power needed now in support of the heritage we are called upon to defend.

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