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  • Cargo to Callisto

Cargo to Callisto

by Jerome Bixby

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Cargo To Callisto is a science fiction short story written by Jay B. Drexel. 

Four Aarnian criminals—vicious and deadly—fled silently into the Martian night; and grimly the Patrol threw out an airtight dragnet. Nothing human could have escaped ... but what's human about an Aarnian?

Joe gave himself a last swipe with the towel and tossed it through the open hatch of the skimmer. Sarah carried her towel into the boat and came out presently in a suede skirt and bolero, looking rubbed down and delectable. Joe's wife was half Martian, and it showed in her long, slender eyebrows and delicately cleft nose and chin. She looked worriedly at the three men busy with the frankfurters.

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