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  • Captain Blood

Captain Blood

by Rafael Sabatini

Captain Blood PDF edition and other Rafael Sabatini books available for free download from our library.


Captain Blood is an adventurous fiction work of Italian writer Rafael Sabatini, remembered for fiction, non-fiction, anthologies works such as Scaramouche the King-Maker, The Lovers of Yvonne, The Shame of Motley, The Sea Hawk, The Justice of the Duke, A Century of Sea Stories, and The Life of Cesare Borgia.

The protagonist Dr. Peter Blood, a soldier and sailor turned as Physician to settle down in his career of origin was sentenced to death by the infamous Judge Jeffreys  for treason on account of attending to wounds of rebellion soldiers. However King James II, changes his death sentence and order his transportation to Caribbean for being sold as slave.

On reaching the Caribbean Island, Peter was initially sold as slave to Colonel Bishop, however his superior physician skills made him to be hired as a Doctor. During a Spanish attack, he escapes along with other convicts and sails away to become the most successful pirates and become a nightmare for the Spanish forces. Glorious Revolutionaries reward his bravery for saving the Island and he ends up becoming the Governor of Jamaica.

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