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  • Billy Whisker's Travels

Billy Whisker's Travels

by F. G. Wheeler

Billy Whisker's Travels PDF edition and other F. G. Wheeler books available for free download from our library.


Billy Whiskers' Travels is fiction adventure story written by F. G. Wheeler.  This story narrates the adventures of a Goat, who runs away from out his mischief and loses his mother.   He was the most mischievous kid in the flock, and because of that his mother named him Billy Mischief. Farmer Klausen, who owned him, was nearly as proud of him as Billy's own mother could be.

One day, when Billy was almost a full-grown goat, his chance came at last. Farmer Klausen was standing in the middle of the road to see that none got away, while his boys were driving the flock over to the lower meadows. Billy, who came up with the others, looking as innocent as a goat can look, suddenly wheeled, and with a hard jump landed his broad head and horns square in the stomach of his master. Farmer Klausen gave a yell, threw up both his hands and went heels over head into the dust, while Billy, scampering over him, ran as hard as he could for the hills.

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