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  • Balancing and Shoeing Trotting and Pacing Horses

Balancing and Shoeing Trotting and Pacing Horses

by William J. Moore

Balancing and Shoeing Trotting and Pacing Horses PDF edition and other William J. Moore books available for free download from our library.


This is a plain, unvarnished and practical treatise on the art of balancing and shoeing trotting and pacing horses, unclouded by little known technical and scientific words and phrases, but written by the author, Wm. J. Moore, in his own every day words that can be easily understood by any horseman.

Mr. Moore, who has spent his life in the business of horse shoeing, was born in Richmond, Virginia, in 1865, and later had charge of the Horse Shoeing Department of the Allen Farm at Pittsfield, Massachusetts, for a period of over twenty years, and he is still so engaged at Allen Farm.

With this short preamble in the way of an introduction, we will let Mr. Moore tell his readers in his own words and in his own way how to shoe a trotter or a pacer, so that it may do its best work in the easiest way, and for the greatest benefit to its owner.

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