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  • At Odds with the Regent

At Odds with the Regent

by Burton Egbert Stevenson

At Odds with the Regent PDF edition and other Burton Egbert Stevenson books available for free download from our library.


Night had already come as I drew my cloak more closely about me and stepped forth into the street. I had lingered long over my meal, as a man will who has been alone all the day and sees little chance of companionship before him. For in all the city I knew no one, and there seemed small prospect of the night bringing any enjoyment with it.

I turned to the left, away from that dingy house in the Rue Bailleul, which was the only home I had thus far found in Paris, determined to forget, for a time at least, its narrow entrance leading to the dirty interior court, where a thousand odors struggled ceaselessly for mastery; the dark staircase mounting steeply upward, and the close little room, which a single week’s occupancy had sufficed to render loathsome to me. Ah! it was different from the wide, sweet valley of the Loire.

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