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  • Astronomy of To-day -  A Popular Introduction in Non-Technical Language

Astronomy of To-day - A Popular Introduction in Non-Technical Language

by Cecil G. Dolmage

Astronomy of To-day - A Popular Introduction in Non-Technical Language PDF edition and other Cecil G. Dolmage books available for free download from our library.


The object of this book is to give an account of the science of Astronomy, as it is known at the present day, in a manner acceptable to the general reader. It is too often supposed that it is impossible to acquire any useful knowledge of Astronomy without much laborious study, and without adventuring into quite a new world of thought. The reasoning applied to the study of the celestial orbs is, however, of no different order from that which is employed in the affairs of everyday life.

The science of mathematics is perhaps responsible for the idea that some kind of difference does exist; but mathematical processes are, in effect, no more than ordinary logic in concentrated form, the shorthand of reasoning, so to speak. I have attempted in the following pages to take the main facts and theories of Astronomy out of those mathematical forms which repel the general reader, and to present them in the ordinary language of our workaday world.

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