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Astronomical Instruments and Accessories

by William Gaertner

Astronomical Instruments and Accessories PDF edition and other William Gaertner books available for free download from our library.


In the following pages we have endeavored to give to our customers an idea of the line of astronomical instruments of the latest and most improved types which we have constructed for some of the leading observatories as mentioned in the text. We feel that this series of illustrations may not only be of general interest, but also of service in helping to determine further developments of modern astronomical and astrophysical equipment. We have not thought it advisable to describe in detail the various instruments of precision, which we have been called upon to construct from time to time for the scientists in the astronomical as well as other branches of science during the last ten years.

As a rule every astronomer is interested in some special line of research, which for a successful investigation requires a special adaptation of the instrument he proposes to use, and in such cases we are confident we can fill the requirements and shall be happy to correspond with interested parties. We are in position to undertake the design of special apparatus and can furnish sketches and estimates in accordance with the suggestions of the customer on short notice in such cases, where the importance of the prospective business will warrant it. Among the various instruments which we have built, but which are not included in this catalogue, we wish to mention, spectroheliographs, planetary cameras, photographic plate holders, domes for observatories, etc.

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