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  • Ancient history from the monuments -  Greek cities & islands of Asia Minor

Ancient history from the monuments - Greek cities & islands of Asia Minor

by W. S. W. Vaux

Ancient history from the monuments - Greek cities & islands of Asia Minor PDF edition and other W. S. W. Vaux books available for free download from our library.


Before we proceed to give a somewhat detailed account of the more important cities of Asia Minor, and of the islands adjacent to its west and southern shores, we may mention that Asia Minor, as it lies on the map, exhibits, in its contour, a remarkable resemblance to Spain. Extending between N. Lat. 36° and 42°, and E. Long. 26° and 40°, it is about the same size as France, and somewhat less than Spain and Portugal taken together. Its interior consists of a central plateau, rarely lower than 3,000 ft. above the sea, often much more; many portions of it, however, especially to the N. and E., affording excellent pasturage for sheep, and, therefore, now, as for centuries, the natural home of the Turkomán shepherds.

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