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  • An Attempt to Investigate the Seat of Animal Life

An Attempt to Investigate the Seat of Animal Life

by Henry Curtis

An Attempt to Investigate the Seat of Animal Life PDF edition and other Henry Curtis books available for free download from our library.


The capacity and aptitude for motion, observable in man, naturally lead us to an enquiry into the general principle of his corporeal functions. To a disquisition of which I devote the following pages. Aware of the intricacy of my subject, and that the operations of the animal body necessarily embrace agents not within the range of our senses, I cannot indulge in the hope that I shall be altogether successful in an examination of the laws of its economy. Where so many enlightened and able intellects have labored in vain, it would require an excess of vanity in me to expect to succeed; and, I trust, should I leave some of the difficulties unsurmounted and inequalities unsmoothed, I shall not be fairly chargeable with temerity or indiscretion.

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