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PDF Books in Christianity Religion

The Character and Happiness of Them That Die in the Lord

The Character and Happiness of Them That Die in the Lord

by William Dealtry

Amidst the visions of the Apocalypse, St. John had just beheld an emblematical representation of the Church of Christ, and of its Almighty Protector: a Lamb, standing on Mount Zion, with a hundred and forty and four thousand, having his Father’s name written in their foreheads: the faithful followers of their Lord in a corrupt and degenerate age; t..

The Animals' Christmas Tree

The Animals' Christmas Tree

by John P. Peters

Once upon a time the animals decided to have a Christmas tree, and this was how it came about. The swifts and the swallows in the chimneys in the country houses, awakened from their sleep by joy and laughter, had stolen down and peeped in upon scenes of happiness, the centre of which was always an evergreen tree covered with wonderful fruit, bright..

The Proofs of Christ's Resurrection

The Proofs of Christ's Resurrection

by Charles R. Morrison

The present treatise is intended to give what the author has often felt the need of—a compact and thoroughly reliable statement of the principal historical facts to the authenticity and integrity of the New Testament writings concerning our Lord, and the presumptions from them which establish his claims as our Divine Redeemer and Saviour.The questi..

Buddhism and Christianity: A Parallel and a Contrast

Buddhism and Christianity: A Parallel and a Contrast

by Archibald Scott

The aim of the Lecture has not been to use the extravagances of Buddhism as a foil to set off the excellencies of Christianity. That Christianity as a religion is immensely superior to Buddhism goes without saying, unless in the case of a very small and conceited and purblind minority. I have tried by a fair exposition of what is best and highest i..

The Life of Jesus Christ for the Young, Vol. 4

The Life of Jesus Christ for the Young, Vol. 4

by Richard Newton

In sailing across the ocean, if we attempt to measure the depth of the water in different places, we shall find that it varies very much. There are hardly two places in which it is exactly the same. In some places it is easy enough to find the bottom. In others, it is necessary to lengthen the line greatly before it can be reached. And then there a..

The Stuff of Manhood

The Stuff of Manhood

by Robert E. Speer

The moral elements of individual character are inevitably social. And the social obligation immensely strengthens the sanctions which enjoin them. When a man “has trained himself,” to use the words of Lord Morley in dealing with Voltaire’s religion, “to look upon every wrong in thought, every duty omitted from act, each infringement of the inner sp..

The Life and Work of William Tindale

The Life and Work of William Tindale

by William Barrett Cooper

With the approach of the Fourth Centenary there is a demand for a memoir of Tindale, less detailed than the standard biography, yet preserving the perspective of history. To meet this demand this miniature has been prepared. It sets forth especially the ardent force of vision which sustained the exile in the depth and tumult of his toil.Diligent us..

Life of Christ

Life of Christ

by Giovanni Papini

For five hundred years those who call themselves free spirits because they prefer prison life to army service have been trying desperately to kill Jesus a second time—to kill Him in the hearts of men.The army of His enemies assembled to bury Him as soon as they thought they heard the death-rattle of Christ’s second death. Presumptuous donkeys mista..