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  • The Proofs of Christ's Resurrection

The Proofs of Christ's Resurrection

by Charles R. Morrison

The Proofs of Christ's Resurrection PDF edition and other Charles R. Morrison books available for free download from our library.


The present treatise is intended to give what the author has often felt the need of—a compact and thoroughly reliable statement of the principal historical facts to the authenticity and integrity of the New Testament writings concerning our Lord, and the presumptions from them which establish his claims as our Divine Redeemer and Saviour.

The question of his Resurrection from the dead is selected as the pivot, because everything hinges upon it. This question, whichever way it is determined, is decisive. It is a question which greatly concerns every one. It is a question of evidence, and as such is especially deserving of careful inquiry by members of the legal profession. For, as Prof. Greenleaf observed in his work hereafter cited,—“If a close examination of the evidences of Christianity may be expected of one class of men more than another, it would seem incumbent on us, who make the law of evidence one of our peculiar studies.”

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