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The Meccas of the World

The Meccas of the World

by Ruth Cranston

Like most widely accepted notions, this is picturesque but untrue. The Americans of America, or at least the New Yorkers of New York, are not the handful of men cutting off coupons in mahogany offices “down-town”; nor the silken, sacheted women gliding in and out of limousines, with gold purses. They are the swarm of shop-keepers and “specialists,”..

The Negro Migrant in Pittsburgh

The Negro Migrant in Pittsburgh

by Abraham Epstein

This little study of the Negro Migration to Pittsburgh was first suggested as a thesis subject in a university class in Social Economy in May, 1917. Our great steel city of the North calls many unskilled workers to its mills. The migration of Negroes to fill the gaps in the ranks of this labor force, opened up by the cessation of European immigrati..

The United Empire Loyalists

The United Empire Loyalists

by W. Stewart Wallace

The United Empire Loyalists have suffered a strange fate at the hands of historians. It is not too much to say that for nearly a century their history was written by their enemies. English writers, for obvious reasons, took little pleasure in dwelling on the American Revolution, and most of the early accounts were therefore American in their origin..

The Importance of Marking Historic Spots

The Importance of Marking Historic Spots

by Henry W. Shoemaker

Probably the first attempts at marking historic spots in Pennsylvania were made by the Indians many centuries ago. We of today are merely followers in their footsteps. Two of the most conspicuous examples are the hieroglyphic rocks on the Allegheny River, near Franklin, formerly called “Venango”, in Venango County, and the so-called Picture Rocks o..

White Mountain Trails

White Mountain Trails

by Winthrop Packard

The smooth highway over which thousands of automobiles skim in long summer processions from Massachusetts to the mountains, coquettes with Chocorua as it winds through the Ossipees. Sometimes it tosses you over a ridge whence the blue bulk and gray pinnacle stand bewitchingly revealed for a second only to be eclipsed in another second by the lesser..

Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden

Forest Scenes in Norway and Sweden

by Henry Newland

Sketches in Norway and Sweden! Are they fact or fiction? are they to be instructive or simply entertaining? These are questions which the public has a right to ask, and which the author means to answer as truly as he can. He hopes there will be a little of both. At least, in making this selection from his own and his friends’ journals, he has had b..

Chronicles of Pharmacy, Vol. 2 (of 2)

Chronicles of Pharmacy, Vol. 2 (of 2)

by A. C. Wootton

A female pharmacist is mentioned in Salmon’s “Bate’s Dispensatory” (1694), who, he says, made a fortune of £20,000 by selling a tincture made from cow-dung. Her formula was, cow-dung, fresh gathered in the morning, 12 lbs.; spring or rain water, 30 lb. Digest for twenty-four hours, let it settle, and decant the clear brown tincture. Salmon says it ..

A Vision of the Future, Based on the Application of Ethical Principles

A Vision of the Future, Based on the Application of Ethical Principles

by Jane Hume Clapperton

The world of thought has acquired new knowledge since then; and many social changes have occurred. The present volume is not a replica of that work, although, as before, my aim has been to gather together the currents of meliorism pursuing diverse courses throughout society and to throw upon these the light of fresh knowledge gained by investigator..