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  • A Vision of the Future, Based on the Application of Ethical Principles

A Vision of the Future, Based on the Application of Ethical Principles

by Jane Hume Clapperton

A Vision of the Future, Based on the Application of Ethical Principles PDF edition and other Jane Hume Clapperton books available for free download from our library.


The world of thought has acquired new knowledge since then; and many social changes have occurred. The present volume is not a replica of that work, although, as before, my aim has been to gather together the currents of meliorism pursuing diverse courses throughout society and to throw upon these the light of fresh knowledge gained by investigators of economic and social science; and, above all, the light emanating from philosophic thinkers who recognize that the path of improved outward conditions, and the path of inward progress for man, lie parallel to each other. It is my belief that in this dawning epoch of conscious evolution man may, if he so chooses, push forward the actual life of to-day and merge it into the ideal life of to-morrow.

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