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  • A Manual of Philippine Birds

A Manual of Philippine Birds

by Richard McGregor

A Manual of Philippine Birds PDF edition and other Richard McGregor books available for free download from our library.


During several years spent in collecting zoölogical specimens in the Philippine Islands the author has constantly experienced the need of a book containing descriptions of the Philippine birds. That others have felt the same want is evident from the many requests for literature received. Lists of Philippine birds1 have been published from time to time but they contain no descriptions and are of use to those only who have a considerable library at hand.

The Catalogue of Birds in the British Museum contains descriptions of most of the known species of birds and these include very many of the Philippine species but the bulk of its 27 volumes would preclude the use of this work in the field even if its rarity and cost were not prohibitory. Thus there is an almost total lack of adequate means for identifying Philippine birds which has been a serious check to activity and interest in ornithological work throughout the Islands.

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