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  • A History of Epidemic Pestilences

A History of Epidemic Pestilences

by Edward Bascome

A History of Epidemic Pestilences PDF edition and other Edward Bascome books available for free download from our library.


Feeling it to be incumbent on every one to contribute to the good of his fellow-men, in as far as his experience enables him—

“Non sibi sed toti mundo se credere natum;”

and presuming on the practical knowledge gained during a sojourn of a quarter of a century in climes that are not the most hospitable, the Author has been induced to offer to the public the following pages, as his professional lucubrations on a subject deeply interesting to every community,—a subject both comprehensive and obscure,—comprehensive, inasmuch as it involves the consideration of a vast variety of disease under the appellation of Epidemic Pestilence,—“The offspring of inclement skies, and of legions of putrefying locusts,”—and obscure, as regards the uncertainty which must ever appertain to all that relates to the phenomena of Life and Death.

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