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  • A Girl of the North

A Girl of the North

by Helen Milecete

A Girl of the North PDF edition and other Helen Milecete books available for free download from our library.


A Girl of the North is a novel written by HELEN MILECETE whose other novel is A DETACHED PIRATE. A Girl of the North narrates the story of Canada and London comprising a twenty three chapters. 


The world called it failure: he called it success, and the thought evolved itself into happiness for a time.

George Archer was a man of unusual talent and power. He had translated the most recent book by a celebrated Danish naturalist, besides which he had acquired some fame as a naturalist on his own account; and the small world of men, who trouble about such things, mentioned his name with a certain amount of respect as that of one to whom mysteries are revealed.

He was rich. He had travelled all over the world. At last, wishing to go to Canada, the idea of writing a book on the different varieties of Canadian fish came to him with the charm of inspiration, of freedom, and of novelty.

He was singularly unpractical, and given to great enthusiasms.

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