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  • A General History of the Sabbatarian Churches

A General History of the Sabbatarian Churches

by Tamar Davis

A General History of the Sabbatarian Churches PDF edition and other Tamar Davis books available for free download from our library.


At the present time, when the Sabbath controversy is engaging so much of the public attention, and when Sabbath Conventions and Sabbath Unions are being chronicled almost monthly, I consider it unnecessary to offer any apology for the introduction of the following work to the public notice. My reader need not fear a repetition or recapitulation of the arguments generally employed in favour of the sabbatical institution, as it refers either to the first or the last day of the week; neither will his attention be wearied by prolix and verbose details. It has been my aim to collect, collate, and condense facts, as much as appeared consistent with perspicuity. I have not taken any new stand with regard to the Sabbath question. 

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