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  • A Daughter of Witches -  A Romance

A Daughter of Witches - A Romance

by Joanna E. Wood

A Daughter of Witches - A Romance PDF edition and other Joanna E. Wood books available for free download from our library.


Miss Temperance Tribbey stood at the back door of the old Lansing house, shading her eyes with one hand as she looked towards the gate to discover why Grip, the chained-up mastiff, was barking so viciously.

The great wooden spoon, which she held in her other hand, was dripping with red syrup, and showed that Temperance was preserving fruit. To the eyes of the initiated there were other signs of her occupation. Notably a dangerous expression in her eyes. The warmth of the stove was apt to extend to Miss Tribbey’s temper at such times.

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