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  • 2 B R 0 2 B

2 B R 0 2 B

by Kurt Vonnegut

2 B R 0 2 B PDF edition and other Kurt Vonnegut books available for free download from our library.


2 B R 0 2 B written by Kurt Vonnegut, is a science fiction story; the title refers the famous phrase “To be Or Not To Be” from Shakespeare’s “Hamlet”.

This short story is based on the theme, A society with indefinite life span with Aging is cured and every birth has to be compensated by a volunteering death. Edward K. Wehling, Jr is in a dilemma, while waiting for his Triplets to be born. He is unable to get 2 more volunteer’s other than his maternal grandfather. In an eventful minute he shoots Dr. Benjamin Hitz (The doctor) and Leora Duncan (Federal Bureau of Termination) and kills himself making room for the triplets.

A painter who is 200 years old, witnessing the incidents decides to volunteer him for death and calls up Federal Bureau of Termination for assistance of his suicide. As soon as he dials the phone numbers, he receives the welcome message from the telephone which can be interpreted as “Thank you for deciding to Die”.

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