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  • Life and Confession of Ann Walters

Life and Confession of Ann Walters

by Anonymous

Life and Confession of Ann Walters PDF edition and other Anonymous books available for free download from our library.


It has probably never fallen to the lot of man to record a list of more cruel, heart-rending, atrocious, cold-blooded and horrible crimes and murders, than have been perpetrated by the subject of this narrative, and that too in the midst of a highly civilized and Christian community; and deeds, too, which for the depravity of every human feeling seems scarcely to have found a parallel in the annals of crime.

And it seems doubly shocking and atrocious, when we find them committed by one of the Female sex, which sex have always been esteemed as having a higher regard for virtue and a far greater aversion to acts of barbarity, even in the most abandoned of their sex, than is generally found in men of the same class, and we may truly say that we have never seen recorded a greater instance of moral depravity, or one so perfectly regardless of every virtuous feeling which should inhabit the human breast, as the one it becomes our painful lot to lay before our readers, in the account of Ann Walters, the subject of this thrilling and interesting narrative. 

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