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  • To-morrow


by Joseph Conrad

To-morrow PDF edition and other Joseph Conrad books available for free download from our library.


To-morrow is a short story written by Joseph Conrad. The son of a retired sea captain, who has been waiting years for his boy to come home, finally returns, but only because he is destitute and needs money. Excerpts from the novel

"Nobody had ever contradicted him; his own hair had gone grey since that time, and Captain Hagberd’s beard had turned quite white, and had acquired a majestic flow over the No. 1 canvas suit, which he had made for himself secretly with tarred twine, and had assumed suddenly, coming out in it one fine morning, whereas the evening before he had been seen going home in his mourning of broadcloth. It caused a sensation in the High Street—shopkeepers coming to their doors, people in the houses snatching up their hats to run out—a stir at which he seemed strangely surprised at first, and then scared; but his only answer to the wondering questions was that startled and evasive, “For the present.”

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