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  • The Trinity Archive, Vol. I, No. 7, May 1888

The Trinity Archive, Vol. I, No. 7, May 1888

by Trinity College

The Trinity Archive, Vol. I, No. 7, May 1888 PDF edition and other Trinity College books available for free download from our library.


One individual can’t select for another the books best adapted to the mental growth of that person; individuality of taste is an idiosyncrasy of the human race. Give a person free access to a well-regulated library, and you need not fear but that person will suit himself. Let the flocks graze at will upon the verdant plains where grow the herbs both bitter and sweet, and where flow the waters of both life and death, and an unerring instinct will always avoid the bad and feast upon the good; then is the reason of man less to be relied upon than the instinct of the dumb brute? But far be it from us to argue that any man should cloister himself within the walls of his own imagination, feasting upon his own secluded judgment, and thus refuse to lend an ear to a wise suggestion.

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