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PDF Books in Chidren's Humorous Stories

The Humour of Holland

The Humour of Holland

by W. H. Dircks

There appears to be an idea abroad to the effect that the “Humour of Holland” could be most satisfactorily dealt with in a chapter resembling the famous one “Of Snakes in Ireland.” As the average English reader, in the most favourable instances, knows little more of Dutch literature than a name or two (Rembrandt has introduced us to “the poet Vonde..

Augustus Carp, Esq., by Himself -  Being the Autobiography of a Really Good Man

Augustus Carp, Esq., by Himself - Being the Autobiography of a Really Good Man

by Henry Howarth Bashford

It is customary, I have noticed, in publishing an autobiography to preface it with some sort of apology. But there are times, and surely the present is one of them, when to do so is manifestly unnecessary. In an age when every standard of decent conduct has either been torn down or is threatened with destruction; when every newspaper is daily repor..

More About Teddy B. and Teddy G., the Roosevelt Bears

More About Teddy B. and Teddy G., the Roosevelt Bears

by Seymour Eaton

This book is a sequel to “The Travels and Adventures of the Roosevelt Bears,” and completes the story of the tour of TEDDY-B and TEDDY-G from Colorado to Washington. The third volume will report in jingle and picture the tour of the Teddy Bears abroad.When in the autumn of 1905, I created the characters of TEDDY-B and TEDDY-G I builded better than ..

On Strike, or, Where do the Girls come in?

On Strike, or, Where do the Girls come in?

by Edric Glenfield

Though he had no sympathy with the unionists, he naturally came in contact with some of them, and could not help discussing the question, as nobody talked about anything else. Federation, the great hobby of the Australians, was forgotten for a time. Reginald could not see that the men who were on strike had any particular grievance, but he realised..



by Bruce Jay Friedman

ONE DAY in early summer it seemed, miraculously, that Stern would not have to sell his house and move away. Some small blossoms had appeared on one of the black and mottled trees of what Stern called his Cancer Garden, and there was talk of a child in the neighborhood for his son, a lonely boy who sat each day in the center of Stern's lawn and suck..

The Asbestos Society of Sinners

The Asbestos Society of Sinners

by Lawrence Daniel Fogg

The Asbestos Society of Sinners: detailing the diversions of Dives and others on the playground of Pluto, with some broken threads of drop-stitch history, picked up by a newspaper man in Hades and woven into a Stygian nights' entertainment.Out of the inky blackness suddenly loomed a great battleship which struck as much terror to our hearts as if i..

In a Canadian Canoe

In a Canadian Canoe

by Barry Pain

It has turned chilly. No one but myself is left on the river, and the solitary end of the afternoon is good to look at. The thing that you and I want most is a power of expression. When I say you, I mean the sympathetic reader who can enter into the true spirit of loafing: the loafing of the body in the wayward Canadian canoe that does what it like..

Sam in the Suburbs

Sam in the Suburbs

by P. G. Wodehouse

LL day long, New York, stewing in the rays of a late August sun, had been growing warmer and warmer; until now, at three o’clock in the afternoon, its inhabitants, with the exception of a little group gathered together on the tenth floor of the Wilmot Building on Upper Broadway, had divided themselves by a sort of natural cleavage into two main bod..