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The Psychology of the Emotions

The Psychology of the Emotions

by Th. Ribot

The psychology of states of feelings, it is generally recognised, is still in a confused and backward condition. Although it has benefited in some measure by the contemporary allurement of psychological research, it must be acknowledged that it has only exerted a moderate seduction upon workers; the preference has been given to other studies, such ..

The Truth about the Titanic

The Truth about the Titanic

by Archibald Gracie

As the sole survivor of all the men passengers of the Titanic stationed during the loading of six or more lifeboats with women and children on the port side of the ship, forward on the glass-sheltered Deck A, and later on the Boat Deck above, it is my duty to bear testimony to the heroism on the part of all concerned. First, to my men companions wh..

Bantu Folk Lore

Bantu Folk Lore

by Matthew L. Hewat

Having been for some time located in the border districts of the Cape Colony, and there coming into frequent contact with the natives; I was struck with the fact that there was a large field for investigation, and record of the “Medical Folk Lore” of the Bantu tribes, which was becoming more and more difficult of attainment as time went on, owing t..

Famous Colonial Houses

Famous Colonial Houses

by Paul M. Hollister

As I read in Mr. Hollister’s chapter on Mount Vernon of Washington’s long absence from the home he loved and of the eagerness with which he returned to it after the tumultuous years of the Revolutionary War, I was caught by the fancy that lovers of books have recently gone through a somewhat parallel experience. Dragged away by the Great War from t..

A Critical Analysis of Patriotism As an Ethical Concept

A Critical Analysis of Patriotism As an Ethical Concept

by Clarence Reidenbach

Patriotism is a live issue. It is almost impossible for any one to be neutral about it. All men seem to feel that the issue involved is one that touches the fundamental interests of their lives. Patriotism is an important concept.But not all men take the same stand regarding patriotism. There is hot disagreement upon the question of its moral value..

How to Trace a Pedigree

How to Trace a Pedigree

by Helen Augusta Crofton

The study of genealogy, therefore, is a useful one; but, apart from such considerations, there are many who are personally interested in their own ancestry, and would like to be able to trace pedigrees and learn more of their family history; but the probability is that they have not the slightest idea how to set about the work. Others may think (ho..

A Peep Into the Past

A Peep Into the Past

by Sir Max Beerbohm

This hitherto unpublished essay was written by Max Beerbohm for the first number of The Yellow Book, but it was held over to make way for his famous Defence of Cosmetics, which duly appeared in April, 1894. Whether this change was made because of the impending Wilde scandal it is, of course impossible to say with certainty, but the probabilities fa..

Betty Alden: The first-born daughter of the Pilgrims

Betty Alden: The first-born daughter of the Pilgrims

by Jane G. Austin

Everybody has sympathized with Mr. Dick who could not keep King Charles’s head out of his memorial, and I hope everybody will sympathize with me who have been unable to keep Betty Alden in this her memorial so constantly as I wished and she deserved. But as the whole includes the less, her story will be found threaded through that of her people and..