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Practical House, Wagon and Automobile Painter

Practical House, Wagon and Automobile Painter

by W. F. White

When paint crawls it is because there is not sufficient adhesion between the undercoat and the new coat, caused usually by too much gloss on the undercoat. To prevent crawling subdue the gloss on the undercoat by sandpapering, rubbing, or by the application of some material which will have the desired effect; or, if on the outside, wait until the g..

Hints to Travellers, Scientific and General, Vol. 2

Hints to Travellers, Scientific and General, Vol. 2

by Royal Geographical Society

The minimum requirement of instrumental observations by a traveller is the reading twice daily of the barometer and of the dry and wet bulb thermometers, to ascertain the temperature and humidity of the air, also the reading once daily, in the morning, of the minimum thermometer which has been exposed all night, and on days in camp of the maximum t..