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by Virginia Baker

A peculiar interest centres about everything pertaining to the great Wampanoag sachem Massasoit. Massasoit has always, and justly, been regarded as one of the most remarkable of that group of illustrious aboriginal chieftains with whom the early white settlers of New England were associated. But while the student of history is familiar with the sto..

Legends of the Black Watch

Legends of the Black Watch

by James Grant

Woven up with an occasional legend or superstition gleaned among the mountains from whence its soldiers came, the warlike details and many of the names which occur in the following pages, belong to the military history of the country and of the brave Regiment whose title is given to our Book.It is generally acknowledged that but for the retention o..

The Age of Justinian and Theodora, Volume 1 (of 2)

The Age of Justinian and Theodora, Volume 1 (of 2)

by William Gordon Holmes

Although the age of Justinian is the most interesting and important in the whole series of the Byzantine annals, no comprehensive work has hitherto been devoted to the subject. The valuable and erudite “Vita Justiniani” of Ludewig is more of a law book than of a biography, and less of a circumstantial history than of either. The somewhat strange me..

The Story of the Indian Mutiny

The Story of the Indian Mutiny

by Ascot Moncrieff

The story of the great Indian Mutiny has often been told in whole or in part. In this book, while historical outlines are carefully preserved, it is attempted to throw into relief the more picturesque episodes, and to bring out illustrative incidents of personal adventure likely to attract young readers. With such a theme, if any reader will only s..

Magna Carta -  A Commentary on the Great Charter of King John

Magna Carta - A Commentary on the Great Charter of King John

by William Sharp McKechnie

No Commentary upon Magna Carta has hitherto been written from the standpoint of modern research. No serious attempt has yet been made to supersede, or even adequately to supplement, the works of Coke and Richard Thomson, published respectively in 1642 and 1829, and now hopelessly out of date. This lack of enterprise may be due in part to a natural ..

Roman Public Life

Roman Public Life

by A. H. J. Greenidge

The object of this work is to trace the growth of the Roman constitution, and to explain its working during the two phases of its maturity, the developed Republic and the Principate. The title selected perhaps expresses more succinctly than any other could do the nature of the plan which I wished to undertake. My desire was to touch, however briefl..

Wages in 1873

Wages in 1873

by Thomas Brassey

It is too often alleged that the recent advance of wages is attributable to a series of successful strikes.  I maintain, on the contrary, that a strike against a falling market is never successful, and that Trades Unions, as an organisation for the purpose of raising wages, can never do more than assist the workman to obtain an advance at a so..

Salve Venetia, gleanings from Venetian history  Vol. I

Salve Venetia, gleanings from Venetian history Vol. I

by Francis Marion Crawford

Venice is the most personal of all cities in the world, the most feminine, the most comparable to a woman, the least dependent, for her individuality, upon her inhabitants, ancient or modern. What would Rome be without the memory of the Cæsars? What would Paris be without the Parisians? What was Constantinople like before it was Turkish? The imagin..