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  • Little Men

Little Men

by Louisa May Alcott

Little Men PDF edition and other Louisa May Alcott books available for free download from our library.


Louisa May Alcott's novel Little Men was published as a sequel to her early novel Little Women and many characters follow from her early work. Jo Bhaer starts a school with difference where students are encouraged to become free thinkers and mold their life on their own. We could visualize students with variety of characters and their encounters with good and bad things in life. This novel is mostly narrated through the new joiner of the school Nat Blake, an orphan and who loves playing violin and was making a living out of it before he joins school. Tomboy Dan leads the students to gambling, drinking and smoking and expelled, but eventually becomes curator of the school. Moody Daisy changes herself as the story progressed.

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