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  • Woodland Tales

Woodland Tales

by Ernest Thompson Seton

Woodland Tales PDF edition and other Ernest Thompson Seton books available for free download from our library.


Woodland Tales is a collection of fairy tales on the background of nature and animals written by Ernest Thompson Seton, a British author known for his wildlife writings such as The Buffalo Wind, The Book of Woodcraft, Animals Worth Knowing, Famous Animal Stories, and Great Historic Animals.

This book is intended for young readers of seven years and above, however their parents can be active narrators of the stories. Though it contains more of fairy tales, not all of them are fairy. The stories are set in various seasons and it makes the reader to not just reading but also calls for actions such as Things to see, know, do, and remember.  Some of the notable stories in this book include The Story of Hepatica, How the Bloodroot Came, How the Bluebird Came, How the Song Sparrow Got His Streaks, How the Violets Came, The Wandering Monarch, The Bells of the Solomon Seal, and The Silver Bells of the False Solomon Seal.

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