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  • The Story of My Life

The Story of My Life

by Helen Keller

The Story of My Life PDF edition and other Helen Keller books available for free download from our library.


The Story of My Life is an autobiography & written by Helen Keller, an American author whose permanent loss of vision and hearing at the age of two, was not a hurdle for her achievements as a Political activist and lecturer.
Helen Keller was born as a normal child and was blessed to be the first daughter of the family. She met her ill-fate in the form of mysterious illness, when she was 19 months old. She recovered from the illness quickly; however the deadly disease had closed her eyes and ears forever. She has become deaf blind at the age of two.

This heart-touching autobiography details, how this little girl learnt not just to survive but to excel in this world and went on to reach unimaginable heights in the society. Keller says, though this book details her childhood life, more of the book is about her experiences with her teacher Anne Sullivan, who broke through the isolation imposed by a near complete lack of language, allowing me to blossom as I learned to communicate, have become widely known through the dramatic depictions.

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