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  • The Prince

The Prince

by Niccolo Machiavelli

The Prince PDF edition and other Niccolo Machiavelli books available for free download from our library.


Written by Niccolo Machiavelli, in the fifteenth century, The Prince is a political & philosophical frame work and an essential guide on how to rule a state or a kingdom. However many Critiques feel the book is a guide on "How Not To Rule", rather than "How To Rule".

Key scope of this book is the author's practical advice on a variety of matters, including the advantages and disadvantages that attend various routes to power, how to acquire and hold new states, how to deal with internal insurrection, how to make alliances, and how to maintain a strong military. Implicit in these chapters are Machiavelli’s views regarding free will, human nature, and ethics, but these ideas do not manifest themselves explicitly as topics of discussion until later.

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