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  • The Odyssey

The Odyssey

by Homer

The Odyssey PDF edition and other Homer books available for free download from our library.


The Odyssey is written by Homer, one of the greatest ancient Greek epic poets. A sequel to the Iliad, both the works by the author is considered to be the greatest Greek Poems and oldest extant work of western literature.
The story is set around the Trojan War and fall of Troy. Greek hero Odysseus is believed to be missing in the Trojan War. His wife Penelope and son Telemachus lives in the house of Odyssey and unable to deal with 108 young men occupying their house and enjoys the hospitality and the wealth of the households.

The crowds of young men are called Suitors and their only aim is to marry Penelope and inherit the properties of Odysseus. The rest of the story is narrated as the Goddess Athena intervenes and asking Telemachus to search for his father. Telemachus travels and learns about his captive father and other warriors of Troy. The preceding story is an account of the adventures of Odyssey.

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