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  • The Goop Directory of Juvenile Offenders Famous for their Misdeeds and Serving

The Goop Directory of Juvenile Offenders Famous for their Misdeeds and Serving

by Gelett Burgess

The Goop Directory of Juvenile Offenders Famous for their Misdeeds and Serving PDF edition and other Gelett Burgess books available for free download from our library.


The Goop Directory of Juvenile Offenders Famous for their Misdeeds and Serving is a book for children which detail the misdeeds of famous personalities when they were children.

This book is written and illustrated by the American humorist Frank Gelett Burgess, remembered for coining the word blurb and author of Goops books and other writings such as Goops, and How to be Them, More Goops, and How Not to Be Them, Goop Tales, The Rubaiyat of Omar Cayenne, and The Heart Line.

This book narrates misdeeds of famous personalities who were offenders during their childhood such as Marmaduke Argyll, who was talking always while eating; Nancy Beal, who was throwing away things; Master Bildad, who was selfish with toys; Levi Boing, who was always going carelessly; Amanda fish, who was always stealing sweets.

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