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  • The Expositor's Bible -  The Book of Deuteronomy

The Expositor's Bible - The Book of Deuteronomy

by Andrew Harper

The Expositor's Bible - The Book of Deuteronomy PDF edition and other Andrew Harper books available for free download from our library.


The Expositor's Bible: The Book of Deuteronomy is a biblical work written by Andrew Harper who was a Scottish–Australian biblical scholar who wrote many christian writings under this pseudonym. Though he was a fine scholar except this work, his writings did not earn much reputation. 

Excerpts from the book:

In approaching a book so spiritually great as Deuteronomy, it might seem superfluous to allude to the critical questions which have been raised concerning it. On any supposition as to origin and authorship, its spiritual elevation and the moral impulse it gives are always there; and it might consequently seem sufficient to expound and illustrate the text as we have it. Minute and vexatious inquiry into details, such as any adequate treatment of the critical question demands, tends to draw away the mind, in a disastrous way, from the spiritual and moral purpose of the book. That however is precisely what the expositor has to elucidate and apply; and so it might seem to be an error in method to enter upon extraneous matters such as those with which criticism has mainly to do.

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