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  • The Cornish Coast (South)

The Cornish Coast (South)

by Charles G. Harper

The Cornish Coast (South) PDF edition and other Charles G. Harper books available for free download from our library.


The Cornish Coast (South) - And the Isles of Scilly is geographical exploration work by Charles G. Harper a historian who has written many travel books such as The Portsmouth Road and Its Tributaries To-Day and in Days of Old, The Old Inns of Old England: A Picturesque Account of the Ancient and Storied Hostelries of Our Own Country, The Kentish Coast, The Brighton Road - Speed, Sport, and History on the Classic Highway, and The Ingoldsby Country; Literary Landmarks of the Ingoldsby Legends.

Excerpts from the book

The southern portion of the Cornish Coast may be said to begin at the head of the navigation of the river Tamar, at Weir Head, to which the excursion steamers from Plymouth can come at favourable tides, or a little lower, at Morwellham Quay, where the depth of water permits of more frequent approach. But barges can penetrate somewhat higher than even Weir Head, proceeding through the canal locks at Netstakes, almost as far as that ancient work, New Bridge, which carries the high road from Dartmoor and Tavistock out of Devon into Cornwall.

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