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  • Seductio Ad Absurdum

Seductio Ad Absurdum

by Emily Hahn

Seductio Ad Absurdum PDF edition and other Emily Hahn books available for free download from our library.


Seductio Ad Absurdum is written by Emily Hahn, an American journalist and Author of more than 52 books and 180 articles and stories. Interestingly Seductio Ad Absurdum is her first book which is a tongue-in-cheek exploration of how men court women. It was published in the year 1930 with the support of her literary agent Maxim Lieber.

This book explores the neglected part of the science of seduction, though it had been practiced as an applied art spanning several generations. Further to the exploration, the author provides an in depth study of seduction in many chapters including an interview type treatment method.

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