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  • My Experiences as an Executioner

My Experiences as an Executioner

by James Berry

My Experiences as an Executioner PDF edition and other James Berry books available for free download from our library.


My Experiences as an Executioner, is a personal account of James Berry who held the most painful profession of carrying out the capital punishment in England.  Civilization regards capital punishment as its strongest weapon in the war against crime.  Yet it is the most painful profession for an individual to be responsible for execution of the ultimate sentence of the law.  This book shall not be read in curiosity or fun, however the Author believes this book can correct many misconceptions about the capital sentences are carried out in England.   As the subject of this book is too sensitive, the editor of the book has played major role in publishing.  The preface of the book clearly states that, while the statements are the author’s, the words are written by the editor.

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