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  • Macbeth


by William Shakespeare

Macbeth PDF edition and other William Shakespeare books available for free download from our library.


The tragic defeat and death of a military general and his wife’s impatience made them to lose whatever they gained unethically, though all of which could have been gained by them ethically. Macbeth the Scottish general won a war for his country against Ireland. King Duncan announces that he would be made as Thane of Cawdor and eventually the King.

Macbeth writes a letter to his wife about the developments and his hopes of becoming the King. However Lady Macbeth misleads him and asking him to kill the King immediately to be crowned. Macbeth kills King Duncan, Chamberlains, General and his family members. His tyrannical rule makes him to commit more crimes to protect himself. However Prince Malcom escapes from his killings and succeeding in raising an army against Macbeth and successfully winning the war and beheads Macbeth.

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