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  • The Middle-Class Gentleman

The Middle-Class Gentleman

by Moliere

The Middle-Class Gentleman PDF edition and other Moliere books available for free download from our library.


The Middle-Class Gentleman is five act French comedy play written, dramatized and acted by the French playwright Jean-Baptiste Poquelin, who is popularly known by his stage name Molière.  Remembered as  one of the greatest masters of comedy in western literature,  his notable plays include Tartuffe; The Misanthrope; The Learned Women; and The School for Wives; L'Avare.

The Middle-Class Gentleman narrates the story of a middle class merchant who would like to be in the aristocratic society at any cost. In his attempt to climb the ladder of aristocracy, he became the victim by his own friends who makes fun on his foolish actions. He hires teachers to learn the gentlemanly arts like fencing, dancing, music, and literature. 

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