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  • Legends That Every Child Should Know

Legends That Every Child Should Know

by Hamilton Wright Mabie

Legends That Every Child Should Know PDF edition and other Hamilton Wright Mabie books available for free download from our library.


Words are not made like an automobile component, rather they were evolved gradually and grown out of compulsion to narrate and share the experience of an individual to communicate to the peers.

In the ancient days countless stories were told by the peasant mothers to their children, who were not having the luxury of any sort of media like newspapers or books. It means sizeable legends were heard, not read until those stories were put to print in the recent years. In the early days, religious preaches had to be told along with a fiction story to understand the essence of preach. Initially Stories told by saints were called legends, later the fiction part enlarged. To conclude legends were not wholly fictitious though a larger portion of it is fictitious.

Compiled by the American essayist Hamilton Wright Mabie, this collection of legends contain twenty stories; notable among them are Wigwam legend of Hiawatha, Beowulf, Sir Galahad, Rustem and Sohrab, The seven sleepers of Ephesus, and The wandering Jew.

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