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  • Faust


by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

Faust PDF edition and other Johann Wolfgang von Goethe books available for free download from our library.


Faust is written by Johann Wolfgang Von Goethe, a German writer who attained the literary celebrity status at the age of 25. This Tragic play must be a sequel or penned under the inspiration of “The Tragical History of Doctor Faustus”, written by Christopher Marlowe.

This play was Written in two parts, Part one narrates Faust’s adventures of black magic, his romance with Gretchen and Signing a contract with Devil, by drop of his blood. By end of this part Faust commits many crimes including killing Gretchen’s mother and brother, fathering an illegitimate child through Gretchen. His death opens the way for the second Part.

The second part portrays Faust’s adventure in the heaven losing only half of his bed and getting commitment from the Angel that he can still go for redemption.

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