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  • Domestic Cookery and Hints to Young Housekeepers

Domestic Cookery and Hints to Young Housekeepers

by Elizabeth E. Lea

Domestic Cookery and Hints to Young Housekeepers PDF edition and other Elizabeth E. Lea books available for free download from our library.


Domestic Cookery, Useful Receipts, and Hints to Young Housekeepers, is written by Elizabeth E. Lea. If you have been embarrassed on ignorance of your knowledge on cooking, this could be the ideal guide for you, especially when you do not have time to experiment yourself with trial and errors.

This book is the author’s own experience, encountered out of ignorance during early life of domestic housekeeping. This book could make you a housekeeper and confidently carry out day to day job from cooking to home remedies and from gardening to preparing food for the sick and elderly people.

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