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  • Deadfalls and Snares

Deadfalls and Snares

by A. R. Harding

Deadfalls and Snares PDF edition and other A. R. Harding books available for free download from our library.


Deadfalls and Snares is an illustrative book on the art of trapping animals written by Arthur Robert Harding, an American outdoors-man who is remembered for his instructional series books such as Fox Trapping, Mink Trapping, Ginseng and Other Medicinal Plants, Fur Farming, Wolf and Coyote Trapping and Home Manufacture of Furs and Skins.

This book guides the reader to build dead falls which can be made by even a non-professional outdoors enthusiasts. It has about 50 illustrated dead-falls and each of them is constructed differently using logs, boards and toss poles to trap all types of fur-bearers like skunk, raccoon, bear, marten and quail.

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