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  • Boat-Building and Boating

Boat-Building and Boating

by Daniel Carter Beard

Boat-Building and Boating PDF edition and other Daniel Carter Beard books available for free download from our library.


Boat Building and Boating is a do it yourself kind of guide book on the art of boat building, written by Daniel Carter Beard, an American social reformer and the founder of "Boy Scouts of America".

As an illustrator, he has worked in many of the Mark Twain books like Following the Equator, The American Claimant and A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court. He has also authored many books including The American Boy's Handy Book, The Outdoor Handy Book and Field and Forest Handy Book.

Boat Building and Boating is intended for beginners, who can make something of their own. It include illustrative examples of many boat building designs, which are the author’s own invention and has been practically built by the author and his students. The author quoted in his preface, the old American doctrine, “If you want a thing done, do it yourself”.

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